Our School
Welcome to Grand Oaks!
What we offer
Grand Oaks Elementary School is a kindergarten through fifth grade school located in Shasta Lake, California. We offer a comprehensive program that includes kindergarten through fifth grade self- contained classrooms, special services for identified students, a gifted program, art, music, library, and a nationally recognized physical education program. Our after-school program (SAILS) is available daily until 6:00p.m. to students in kindergarten through fifth grade.
Mission Statement: To promote academic excellence, responsible citizens, and a life-long desire for learning in a safe environment.
Vision Statement: It is the vision of Grand Oaks Elementary School that the united efforts of students, parents, staff and community will develop students who;
- Act Responsible,
- Show Respect to Others,
- Learn to Resolve Conflicts Peacefully,
- Strive for High Quality Work Within a Safe, Enriched Environment
Instructional Programs
- Self-contained classrooms
- National Geographic Language Arts & Eureka Math
- S.I.P.P.S.—Systematic Instruction in Phonological Awareness, Phonics and Sight Words
- Daily Interventions
- NWEA Assessment-Math & Reading
- Books and Beyond
- Accelerated Reader Program
- Read Naturally Live
- Number Talks
- Music / Art
- Technology (one to one Chromebooks)
- Physical Education
- Dr. Seuss Literacy Night
Instructional NormsInstructional elements that occur in all classrooms across all content areas using Common Core state standards
- Objective - students know and can articulate the purpose of the lesson
- Formative Assessment - Teachers check for understanding often using a variety of strategies.
- Student Collaboration - Students are expected to produce grade-level work everyday in every class through structured student discussion
- Concept Development - The concept is aligned with the instruction and the instruction is aligned with the standard.
- Engagement Strategies - Teachers will use a variety of engagement strategies.
- Summative Assessment - Learning goals will be assessed. Assessment data will be used to drive instruction.
- Reteaching and Enrichment - At the end of lessons teachers assess student comprehension and provide additional support to help with comprehension or provide a greater depth of knowledge for those students
Academic Enrichment Activities
- Music
- Career Day
- Dr. Seuss Literacy Night
- Nutrition Olympics
- Spelling Bee
- Field Trips
Athletic Program
- Cross Country Team (K-5th)
- Basketball Boys & Girls 4th & 5th
Clubs & Organizations
Recognition Activities
- Honor Roll Awards
- Monthly Perfect Attendance Recognition
- Trimester Attendance Recognition
- Yearly Perfect Attendance Recognition
- Weekly Principal Citizenship Prizes
- Bi-Monthly 100% Math Prizes
- BUG (Bringing Up Grades) Dinner
- All-Star Breakfast sponsored by SCSAA
- Monthly Reading Rewards
- Monthly Big 3 Classroom Awards
- Trimester High Flyer Recognition
- Monthly Homework Heroes
Reading Assessment Frequent academic assessment is the key to promoting student progress in reading. Regular assessments include:
- Rigby PM
- BPST Accelerated Reader Standards benchmarks